Theodore Tsitsimis
Collection of personal projects on Data Science, Machine Learning and Robotics
Category robotics
Python implementations of Optimal Control and Optimization algorithms for simulated underactuated systems and walking robots
Minimal Python implementation of the Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs) framework for the description of demonstrated trajectories with dynamical systems.
Category python
Machine Learning implementations from scratch. Using minimal dependencies this collection intends to cover fundamental machine learning algorithms: from linear regression to neural networks
Python implementations of Optimal Control and Optimization algorithms for simulated underactuated systems and walking robots
A Python implementation of the Gaussian Processes framework with Bayesian Optimization. Fit noiseless or noisy data and use existing or custom kernels. Bayesian optimization module using existing acquisition functions (μ+kσ,...
2D robotic arm with arbitrary number of links and rotational joints. Implementation of trajectory planning and kinematic control.
Scraping and processing of the TV series Suits transcripts to extract, analyze and visualize most common phrases
Minimal Python implementation of the Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs) framework for the description of demonstrated trajectories with dynamical systems.
Category visualization
Scraping and processing of the TV series Suits transcripts to extract, analyze and visualize most common phrases
Category data science
Scraping and processing of the TV series Suits transcripts to extract, analyze and visualize most common phrases
Category machine robotics
2D robotic arm with arbitrary number of links and rotational joints. Implementation of trajectory planning and kinematic control.
Category machine learning
TensorFlow demonstration of the Knowledge Distillation framework to show how soft labels act as regularizers and a neural network’s knowledge can be transfered to a simpler model
PyTorch Implementation with sklearn-like API of a Neural Network that constructs a Boolean Function by dividing the feature space with convex polytopes.
Machine Learning implementations from scratch. Using minimal dependencies this collection intends to cover fundamental machine learning algorithms: from linear regression to neural networks
A Python implementation of the Gaussian Processes framework with Bayesian Optimization. Fit noiseless or noisy data and use existing or custom kernels. Bayesian optimization module using existing acquisition functions (μ+kσ,...